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Nov 5, 20205 min read
The right to drive for people with hearing loss
One of the most common questions people who are deaf receive is whether or not they can drive. And how? The worldwide misconception that...
4,021 views129 comments

Oct 20, 20203 min read
5 ways deaf and hearing cultures are different
Being Deaf is about more than just if one can hear or not. Find out how different their history, culture and language is from the hearing.
29,699 views138 comments

Oct 2, 20205 min read
International Week of the Deaf: an important recognition for the Deaf community
ConnectHear celebrates the last and historic week of September for the deaf and hard of hearing with the Deaf community.
556 views60 comments

Sep 8, 20205 min read
All about cochlear implants
A detailed guide to explain what cochlear implants are, what are their working mechanism, and how you can use this to help support the deaf.
907 views14 comments

Aug 21, 20204 min read
What are hearing aids?
Learn everything you want to know about hearing aids from here: how do they work? what are the different styles? what are some features?
384 views18 comments

Aug 18, 20203 min read
3 most important ways Deaf people communicate
Educate yourself on the diverse tools D/deaf people use to communicate with other people.
1,778 views11 comments

Aug 11, 20206 min read
Everything you need to know about sign language
Sign language is a natural and visual form of language that Deaf people use to communicate. But what exactly is it? Learn in-depth here.
17,429 views109 comments

Aug 5, 20204 min read
5 most famous Deaf and hard of hearing characters in pop culture
Let’s explore some of the most famous characters in pop fiction who are Deaf and hard of hearing.
4,843 views23 comments

Jul 24, 20203 min read
Here is why we need more signing stores
First sign language store opens in Japan. Here, learn why there should be more deaf-accessible and inclusive stores around the world.
224 views20 comments

Jul 22, 20205 min read
10 easy tips for communicating with Deaf people
A person’s inability to hear should not be a barrier to successful communication. Here are some tips on how you can interact with the deaf.
13,862 views11 comments

Jul 20, 20205 min read
5 successful people who prove that deafness is not a disability
Learn about some famous deaf movie stars, award winners, and personalities who went on to prove that for the deaf, the sky’s not the limit.
7,624 views12 comments

Jul 14, 20202 min read
Basic, everyday phrases in sign language that you should know
Everyone should be able to understand sign language and to help you with this task, we have compiled a list of common sign language phrases.
1,388 views10 comments

Marium Nadeem
Jul 31, 20193 min read
10 things hearing people should definitely not be saying to the deaf
The next time you are with or around a person who is affected by hearing loss, here are some things you should be mindful of.
4,069 views16 comments

Marium Nadeem
Jul 24, 20192 min read
Understanding deaf culture: The right way
Busting damaging Deaf stereotypes that our mainstream hearing society subscribes to on a daily basis.
799 views7 comments
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